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Table 3 Capacity building by the projects completed by 2006 and 2007

From: An assessment of health research impact in Iran


Relative frequency percent, % (standard error)

Thesis for one degree

47.3 (0.03)

Thesis for two degrees

1.5 (0.009)

The average number of students per project

0.6 (0.07)

Acquisition of new skills in the research group

77.3 (0.03)

Empowerment of the target group

32.5 (0.03)

Strengthening the organization’s research resources

30.6 (0.03)

Preparing part or all of the required infrastructures of the project through another channel

34 (0.05)

Facilitating the securing of research budget from other organizations

13.9 (0.01)

Utilization of project results by the researcher and/or other researchers to define the following projects

47.7 (0.06)