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Table 1 MADAS course description and learning objectives

From: Blended learning across universities in a South–North–South collaboration: a case study

Course aim

Learning outcomes

Delivery mode

Assessment methods

The aim of the course was to train doctoral students to conduct a meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies (DAS), from study design to manuscript preparation

At the end of the course, the student will: 1. Understand the importance, meaning and concepts of DAS and be able to discuss the limitations, biases and challenges faced in meta-analyses 2. Develop a protocol for a meta-analysis study on DAS 3. Conduct a comprehensive search of DAS on a selected test 4. Manage data: define the variables, collect data, perform a meta-analysis of data using applicable software, and interpret the findings 5. Prepare a manuscript on a meta-analysis study for publication

Remote delivery via: 1. Synchronous tools: web conferencing and chat sessions (50% of the course) 2. Asynchronous tools: e-mail and Moodle platform Geographically co-located through local tutors at each university

The final grade was based on students’: 1. Knowledge assessment of the main concepts in the course through a multiple-choice exam 2. Submitted draft protocol of a meta-analysis study 3. Participation in discussions