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Table 2 Typical methods, designs and frameworks identified within prioritisation projects

From: Methodological procedures for priority setting mental health research: a systematic review summarising the methods, designs and frameworks involved with priority setting

1. Comprehensive approach

2. Inclusiveness

3. Information gathering

4. Deciding priorities

Focus on a participatory approach

Use of stakeholder steering groups involving some patient representatives

Review of the literature (research, policies, and guidelines)

Tended to identify research themes and questions

Stakeholder steering group set up to inform prioritisation agenda

Stakeholders appeared recruited contingent on how their expertise aligned to the aims of the priority setting

Online surveys

Nominal group technique to finalise priorities

Modified James Lind Alliance framework

Attempts made to have some patient and caregiver participation with identifying priorities

Focus groups

Ranking (including metric-based) of priorities

Modified Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative framework

Recruitment involved advertising via social media, gaining contact using databases of relevant stakeholders, and with assistance of advocacy groups

Modified Delphi exercises

Collaborative workshops

Systematic mapping review to inform prioritisation agenda

Literature review to inform prioritisation agenda

Mostly researcher led with designing processes and overseeing key phrases

Nominal group technique

Combining consensus building in group work e.g., use of nominal groups

Consensus building using the Delphi method


Online consultations

Consideration given to consensus building with finalisation of priorities

Stakeholder surveys to inform prioritisation agenda


Consultation with advocacy/patient groups

Interactive voting techniques such as “dot-mocracy” [36:2]

Discursive group meetings to inform prioritisation agenda


Workshops/discursive meetings

Combining ranking and discussion within group work

Consultation with advocacy/patient groups to inform prioritisation agenda