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Table 1 Implementation actions to support healthy physical activity environments relating to the policy domains

From: Assessing the implementation of physical activity-promoting public policies in the Republic of Ireland: a study using the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI)

1. Leadership in schools [EDU8]

Allocate a post of responsibility for a physical activity lead in every school, at both primary and post-primary levels

2. Coordinated media campaign [MEDI1]

Foster cross-governmental sustainable resourcing to replace standalone individual physical activity campaigns with a comprehensive, coordinated, multisector long-term multimedia/mode campaign using clear evidence informed consistent messaging over several years

3. Minimum inclusivity standards [SPOR6]

Establish a set of minimum inclusion and accessibility standards to be incorporated into the scoring system of the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme

4. Connected community programmes [COMM2]

Improve connection between communities and healthcare services in regard to physical activity participation by increasing the resourcing and/or staffing, with a go-to person for physical activity in the community

5. Capacity of healthcare staff [HEAL2]

Build capacity of staff across health and social care settings to promote awareness of physical activity benefits and opportunities