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Table 2 Implementation actions to support healthy physical activity environments relating to the infrastructure support domains

From: Assessing the implementation of physical activity-promoting public policies in the Republic of Ireland: a study using the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI)

1. Update guidelines [LEAD1]

Update the Irish Physical Activity Guidelines in line with revised international guidelines

2. Representation in decision-making [GOVER3]

Have representation across the lifespan, genders and socioeconomic backgrounds in the development and decision-making processes related to physical activity policies

3. Funding for outcome monitoring [FUND1]

Provide long-term funding for physical activity programmes to support tracking of evidence, outcomes and implementation

4.Research programme for special populations [GOVER1]

Implement a physical activity research and monitoring programme specific to special populations, in particular for disabled persons

5. Dissociate from unhealthy products [GOVER2]

Dissociate physical activity from unhealthy products and brands promoting unhealthy products