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Table 2 Variables measured in the study

From: Aligning vertical interventions to health systems: a case study of the HIV monitoring and evaluation system in South Africa



Design of the HIV M&E*

â–ª Existence of an M&E framework and plan

â–ª Definition of data elements/HIV indicators

â–ª Availability of financial resources

â–ª Existence and staffing of M&E unit

Activities for the production of HIV information

â–ª Collection: number of data recording forms in use; number and purpose of HIV data elements recorded.

â–ª Collation and reporting: number of data collation forms; mechanisms to transmit data from facility to higher levels of health system, format for reporting and audience.

â–ª Analysis: approach to HIV data analysis at different levels of the health system.

Availability of HIV information

â–ª Whether HIV indicators are disseminated to and available at the district level.

Extent of HIV M&E and DHIS integration

Extent of sharing of:

â–ª Collection: personnel and forms that record HIV and DHIS data.

â–ª Collation and reporting: personnel and forms that collate HIV and DHIS data; reporting pathways and mechanisms, and audience to whom HIV and DHIS indicators are sent.

â–ª Analysis: shared personnel and analytic approach for HIV and DHIS data.

  1. *This variable measures whether the required organizational attributes of an M&E system are in place [4, 34].