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Table 3 Use of nationally-designed forms for recording HIV prevention data

From: Aligning vertical interventions to health systems: a case study of the HIV monitoring and evaluation system in South Africa

Type of form

Description of form

Use of form at primary care clinics (n = 7)

Use of form at DR sites (n = 2)


All forms were tick registers

No. of clinics using form

Health worker completing the form#

No. of DR sites using form

Health worker completing the form#

PHC (HIV) register*

Records data on VCT, PMTCT, CD4 test before ART, management of TB/HIV co-infected patients, referrals to ART service.


Lay counsellor


HIV nurse

VCT register**

Records data on HIV counselling, HIV testing, and HIV result for different client types (pregnant women, TB patients, others).


Lay counsellor


Lay counsellor

Antenatal NVP register

Records data on Nevirapine (NVP) dispensed to HIV positive pregnant women for PMTCT.


PHC nurse


Maternity nurse

Antenatal PMTCT register***

Records data on Zidovudine (AZT) dispensed to HIV positive pregnant women for PMTCT.


PHC nurse


PHC nurse

  1. #In both clinics and DR sites, PHC nurses (provide general care) also complete the DHIS register. 'HIV nurses' did not use the DHIS form.
  2. *The PHC (HIV) register was introduced in early 2009, and a revised version was introduced in June 2009.
  3. ** The VCT data that this form collects are also recorded on the PHC (HIV) register.
  4. *** This form was introduced in May 2009 (2 months before data collection) after inception of dual therapy for PMTCT.