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Table 5 Relative strengths of frameworks

From: Frameworks for evaluating health research capacity strengthening: a qualitative study



Danida (2012) [13]

References/links to further information, e.g., on coordination and alignment

Structured plan for reviewing/developing the framework

Explicit use of OECD/DAC quality standards

Addresses quality and validity

Danida (2011) [14]

No particular strengths identified

ESSENCE (2011) [11]


Some emphasis on planning

Indicators are health RCS-specific; includes examples

Stakeholder involvement in developing the framework

TDR (2011) [15]

Some health RCS-specific indicators; includes examples

Accessibility – glossary, diagrams

Stakeholder involvement in developing the framework

Some consideration of the impact of the funding agency’s own systems

FIC-NIH (2005) [16]


Some consideration of the impact of the funding agency’s own systems

WOTRO (2005)


Indicators are health RCS-specific

IDRC (2005) [17]

Capacity-strengthening specific indicators

Based on consideration of the specific processes of capacity-strengthening, equivalent to a conceptual model.

Based on in depth research of the agency’s experiences

Provides detailed information to support practice

IDRC (2004) [18]


CIDA (2004) [19]

Emphasis on planning

Emphasis on building evaluation capacity


Provides detailed information to support practice

Addresses stakeholder participation issues

Addresses equity issues, including gender

Guidance on data collection and quantitative measures/indicators

Some guidance on qualitative data

Guidance on making comparisons and judgements

Addresses quality and validity

Some use of theory

Guidance on learning

Guidance on timing and timescales