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Table 3 Summary of activities/events by knowledge user partners

From: Evaluation of partnerships in a transnational family violence prevention network using an integrated knowledge translation and exchange model: a mixed methods study

Formal PreVAiL team activity

N (%)

1. Nov 2009 Team Meeting

10 (53%)

2. May 2011 Team Meeting

14 (74%)

3. PreVAiL research priority-setting process (Delphi)

 3a. online survey 1

8 (42%)

 3b. online survey 2

7 (37%)

  Completed at least one survey

15 (79%)

  Completed both on - line surveys

6 (32%)

 3c. Child maltreatment teleconference

5 (26%)

 3d. Intimate partner violence teleconference

2 (11%)

 3f. Resilience teleconference

3 (16%)

  Participated in at least one teleconference

9 (47%)

 3g. Discussions at May 11 meeting

8 (42%)

  Participated in at least one component of the Delphi

15 (79%)

Formal and informal KT/linkage activities

4. Involved in a PreVAiL research project

2 (11%)

5. Formal or informal meetings with PreVAiL researchers (including having them speak to your organization; participate in panels, reviews, etc.)

12 (63%)

6. Interactions with PreVAiL trainees (outside of team meetings)

4 (21%)

7. Linking PreVAiL researchers with others in your organization

7 (37%)

8. Linking PreVAiL researchers with others in your broader professional network

9 (47%)

Other (specified by interviewee)