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Table 3 Comparative analysis according to the criteria of Accountability for Reasonableness (AR) between different health research prioritization processes in Panama, 2006 to 2012

From: Research for better health: the Panamanian priority-setting experience and the need for a new process


Decision makers




 Institution (n)





Priority-setting I:

Ad Hoc of 6 researchers

ICGES (5) HN (1)


Not present

Follow-up review, present

Review was not incorporated

PENCYT 2006–2010

Priority-setting II:

Pluralist participation of 65 actors from the public and private sector, government, academia and ST&I management

MINSA (25), ICGES (13), UP (7), HST (5), COHRED (1),


Not present

Not present

Partially incorporated into PENCYT 2010–2014

Inter-sectoral and inter-institutional workshop on policies and priorities in health research

SENACYT (1), CSS (1), Comptroller (2),

ANAM (1), Private (1), INDICASAT (1),

HN (2), MIDA (4), NGO (1)

Priority –setting III:

Ad Hoc committee of 13 actors and 3 collaborators

MINSA (4), ICGES (2), CSS (2),


Not present


Not present

PENCYT 2010-2014

UP (2), NGO (1)

STRI (1), HN (1)

UP (1), INDICASAT (1), Government (1)

  1. ANAM, Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (National Environmental Authority); COHRED, Council on Health Research for Development; CSS, Caja del Seguro Social; HN, Hospital del Niño (Children’s Hospital); HST, Hospital Santo Tomás; ICGES, Gorgas Commemorative Institute of Health Studies; INDICASAT, Institute for Scientific Research and Technology Services; MIDA, Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario (Ministry of Agricultural Development); MINSA, Health Ministry; NGO, Non-governmental organization; PENCYT, National Strategic Plan for Science, Technology, and Innovation; SENACYT, National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation; STRI, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; UP, Universidad de Panamá.
  2. Source: Elaborated from official documents available from SENACYT’s webpage [17, 33, 34].