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Table 2 Summary of outcomes and outputs from MEF

From: Strategies for capacity building for health research in Bangladesh: Role of core funding and a common monitoring and evaluation framework



Clinical Services


Operation & Management


New knowledge relevant to global and local health needs

Changes in programs, policies and practices which incorporate this knowledge

Contribution to health of populations served

Knowledge of service needs & clinical interventions

Local and regional health/research workforce have improved skills and knowledge in relevant areas

Incorporation of knowledge into practice

Growth and development of ICDDRB in line with vision and mission

Maintain relevance of ICDDRB to local, regional and national context


Research agenda which identifies priority research areas & objectives

Program of research activities which is:

(a) in line with priorities in strategic plan (SP)

(b) sensitive to issues of gender, environment, poverty, & equity

(c) credible and high quality based on sound methodology & innovation

(d) conducted according to ethical standards with benefit for research participants

Users and decision makers in relevant areas informed of research findings & implications

Effective treatment is provided to patients

Equity in access to services appropriate to need

Efficient use of resources in provision of services

Quality of clinical services maintained and risks to patients and staff minimised

Research results and findings relevant to clinical services

Training program based on workforce needs and ICDDR,B areas of contribution

Course participants have knowledge and improved skills in relevant areas

Quality: Knowledge and skills based on relevant evidence and effective teaching methods

Increase in total and externally provided funds for training.

Governance and decision making provides effective leadership

Efficient & effective financial management

Effective management of partnerships with donors

Effective management and development of human resources

Maintenance and development of facilities and infrastructure

Effective information management