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Table 5 Actions at local and international levels to reinforce creation and sustenance of R4H resources

From: National health research systems in the WHO African Region: current status and the way forward

Interventions by African governments

Number of countries

Strengthen master’s and PhD level research human resource levels through retention and motivation approaches and enhancing competencies and other capacities. For example, provide bursaries especially at postgraduate level or for young researchers, draw up career development paths for research staff (including financial management) and give priority to researchers and research teachers


Establish a national health research institute or council


Build or strengthen research infrastructure, such as offices and laboratories, and provide equipment, reagents and programme vehicles


Establish/activate a national health research programme, unit or department


Ensure official confirmation of the national focal point for health research


Actions at the international level

Number of countries

Support strengthening of human resources for health research capacity through training and retention initiatives such as exchange programmes and scholarships for postgraduate and specialized training


Provide technical support for the establishment of the R4H programme


Create international research observatories for the compilation and analysis of data at the international scale


Provide technical support for the establishment of a national health research institute