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Table 2 Differences in perspectives among actors, by phase and consequences

From: Implementing a national health research for development platform in a low-income country – a review of Malawi’s Health Research Capacity Strengthening Initiative

(a) Among all key actors





Location of coordinating health research capacity strengthening within government versus outside and within health versus science & technology versus education

Jockeying for location, delays in directorship


Grant calls and processes improved over time versus remained non-transparent and halting in process

Frustrations and delays in implementation


Ethics review committees functioning and providing independent review versus compromised with conflicted members and acting as resource generator for institutions

Resentments and labelling of committees as obstacles

(b)Among subsets of actors



Actors concerned


Start-up, reorganization and implementation

National politics versus international funder decision-making control

Funders, research governors and users

Stalemates on approvals

Start-up, reorganization

Fiscal mismanagement versus civil service obstacles versus consultants not keeping an eye on the ball

Research producers – institutions, researchers, trainees

Delays in funding flows


Extended involvement of other institutions in networks versus competition dominated by those already capable

Research producers – institutions, researchers

Some institutions are keen but not funded, areas remain underdeveloped, broader research culture slower to develop


Institutional levies on awards and grants unfair disincentive versus need to fund research management within institutions which primarily rely on student teaching income

Research producers – institutions, researchers

Some researchers take funds to organizations outside academy


Researchers not performing sufficient mentorship and training roles versus hard to find time for research with existing teaching loads

Research producers – institutions, trainees

Interns and trainees not receiving adequate mentorship