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Table 2 Role of actors in evidence process (generation, dissemination and use) for the Integrated Maternal Newborn and Child Health (IMNCH) strategy

From: Analysing key influences over actors’ use of evidence in developing policies and strategies in Nigeria: a retrospective study of the Integrated Maternal Newborn and Child Health strategy

Actor types

Roles in evidence generation

Roles in evidence dissemination

Roles in evidence use

Public policymakers and government officials

Supervised the collation of evidence from surveys (DHS) and for the situation analysis (SITAN)

Distributed survey and SITAN reports to other stakeholders

Used all available evidence to:

1) justify the need for IMNCH strategy

2) determine interventions to be included in the strategy

Development partners and donor agencies

Funding and technical support for:

Distributed MBB tool and Lancet series to public policymakers and technical experts/consultants

No clearly stated role in evidence use

1) situation analysis (SITAN) and DHS

2) developing the marginal budgeting for bottleneck (MBB) tool

Provided funding to the Federal Ministry of Health to assist in evidence dissemination

Recommended the Lancet series on low-cost effective interventions for maternal and child health (MCH)

Professional groups as members of technical working group

Scoped for and collated published research articles and unpublished technical reports of maternal and child mortality and evaluation of MCH interventions

No stated role in disseminating evidence for the IMNCH strategy

Decided on which evidence was relevant and appropriate for developing the strategy

Non-government organisations/civil society organisations

No stated role in the whole evidence process