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Table 2 Overall course evaluations, median score (range)

From: Applied statistical training to strengthen analysis and health research capacity in Rwanda

Feedback (ordered from highest-to-lowest score)

End of coursea

1-year follow-upa

How much did this DHS training improve your …


 Understanding of results from statistical analysis

4 (2–4)

4 (2–4)

 Ability to complete analysis which could contribute to a publication

4 (1–4)

4 (2–4)

 Generation of ideas of future research

4 (3–4)

3.5 (2–4)

 Ability to use Stata for analysis

4 (2–4)

3.5 (2–4)

 Ability to explain analysis to others

4 (2–4)

3.5 (2–4)

 Ability to complete logistic regression

4 (2–4)

3.5 (1–4)

 Ability to communicate about data and research

4 (1–4)

3.5 (2–4)

 Ability to complete data analysis in complex survey data

4 (3–4)

3 (2–4)

 Network with other colleagues in Rwanda

4 (3–4)

3 (2–4)

 Establishment of future research collaborations

4 (3–4)

3 (2–4)

 Identification of resources for future research

3.5 (2–4)

3 (1–4)

 Use of data to support program management/policy

3.5 (1–4)

3 (1–4)

 Ability to build a statistical model

3 (2–4)

3 (1–4)

How useful were the following materials/activities?


 Hand-out of slides with text (no room for notes)

4 (3–4)

3 (2–4)

 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) pre-downloaded datasets

4 (1–4)

3 (2–4)

 Hand-out of slides with room for notes (no additional text)

4 (3–4)

3 (1–4)

 Example .do files

4 (2–4)

3 (1–4)


4 (2–4)

3 (1–4)

 Practice exercises (standardized across all groups)

4 (2–4)

3 (1–4)

 Binders of materials

4 (1–4)

3 (1–4)

 Materials on USB drives

4 (1–4)

3 (1–4)

 EdX videos on Stata

3 (2–4)

3 (1–3)

 Practice exercises (group specific)

4 (2–4)

2.5 (1–4)

 Pre-training readings on DHS

4 (2–4)

2.5 (1–4)

 Pre-training readings on topics

4 (2–4)

2.5 (1–4)

 Example DHS methods write-up

4 (2–4)

2.5 (1–4)




  1. aScores: 1 – not at all, 2 – a little, 3 – quite a bit, 4 – very much