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Table 5 Scoring criteria utilised in research impact and research use assessments

From: Looking both ways: a review of methods for assessing research impacts on policy and the policy utilisation of research

Research impact assessments

Research use assessments

Reach of impact amongst end-users (e.g. local uptake vs. international/multi-country impact) [16, 42, 54]

Degree of influence of research on the policy decision in relation to other factors and/or other sources of information [37, 74] [1]

Importance/significance of the policy change (e.g. the degree to which the policy change is likely to lead to improved health outcomes) [16, 42, 54]

Consistency between the available evidence and the policy decision (i.e. the degree to which the policy decision reflects the available evidence) [90, 91, 113]

Degree of the influence/attribution of the research on the policy outcome in relation to other factors and sources of information [16, 42, 54]

Quality of research used to inform the decision (e.g. critical appraisal of the quality and type of research used) [62]

Corroboration of the claimed impact (e.g. degree to which the claim is supported by evidence from policy documents or decision-makers) [16]

Extent of research use compared to what was available for use [74, 131]

Requirements for use compared to actual use [117, 130]