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Table 1 Profile and characteristics of policy documents on reproductive and child health in Ghana

From: A review of the process of knowledge transfer and use of evidence in reproductive and child health in Ghana


Year of publication

Title of policy

Document source/publisher

Main focus of policy

Main research/evidence/ publication informing the policy cited in document

Process employed in the policy


Ghana Health Service (GHS), 2003 [55]

National Breastfeeding Policy

GHS, Accra

Improve upon maternal and child health through the promotion, protection and support of optimal breastfeeding practices and appropriate complementary feeding practices

No scientific evidence was cited in the document, but other views of professionals were reflected

Developed through expert views


Ministry of Health, 2014 [56]

Ghana National Newborn Health Strategy and Action Plan 2014–2018

Ministry of Health (MOH), Accra-Ghana

Provides a newborn scale-up strategy and action plan for addressing newborn mortality in Ghana

Employed a scientific evidence-based process for policy development

Adopted a detailed desk review of relevant policy on maternal and child health system performance in Ghana. Data on Household Survey (DHS, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys) were reviewed. Field visit was adopted, stakeholders discussions were initiated


Ministry of Health, 2007 [57]

Under 5 child Health Policy: 2007–2015

MOH, Ghana

Provides a framework for programme planning, implementation and evaluation geared towards improving child survival and wellbeing. Provides standards and guidelines to prevention and treatment of child illness

No academic publication was cited in the document

Developed through consultation of stakeholders’ views and a review of relevant policy documents


Ghana Health Service, 2015 [58]

Report on the Burden of Obstetric Fistula in Ghana

GHS, Ghana


Report on the burden of obstetric fistula in Ghana,

examining personnel capacity in managing the condition

Employed scientific research evidence in the document write-up

Adopted a qualitative research approach with a survey in document preparation


Ministry of Health, 2013 [59]

Postpartum Hemorrhage Prevention and Management Strategy for Ghana

MOH, Accra


Provides data on the incidence of postpartum haemorrhage in Ghana. Establishes a framework and guideline for postpartum haemorrhage prevention and management

Cited some empirical-based research

Collection of expert views and stakeholder consultation as well as a review of some relevant institutional policy, reports and household survey


Ministry of Health, 2007 [60]

Anti-Malaria Drug policy for Ghana

MOH, Accra

Provides policy measures and guidelines for the treatment of Malaria in Ghana

No publication is cited

Developed through stakeholder consultation and expert views


Ministry of Health, 2015 [61]

National Condom and Lubricant Strategy 2016–2020

Ghana AIDS Commission, Accra



GHS, Accra

Establishes a national strategic framework to promote quality sexual and reproductive health

No publication was cited in the document

Collection of information from national strategic and action plan for HIV/AIDS prevention, reproductive health, etc. There was a consultation with other stakeholders