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Table 3 Included frameworks and common themes (showing the elements identified in the frameworks and the themes derived from them by the authors)

From: A systematic review of frameworks for the interrelationships of mental health evidence and policy in low- and middle-income countries


Theme identified


2. KPP


4. Country-level assessment

Key publication


Overseas Development Institute, 2004 [116]

Jones et al., 2009 [114]

Redman et al., 2015 [117]

Lavis et al., 2006 [115]


Political context

Political context: politics and institutions

Political context

Policy influences

General climate

External influences

External influences: socio-economic and cultural influences, donor policies

Sectoral dynamics




Actors’ interests, values and beliefs



Evidence: credibility and communication

Types of knowledge

Reservoir of relevant and reliable research

Production of research


Research use: conceptual, instrumental, tactical and imposed fashions and to support policy agenda-setting, policy development, implementation or evaluation



Efforts to facilitate user pull (Analysis: also partly in theme Catalysts)

Intermediaries and links

Links: influence and legitimacy Media, advocacy, networking

Knowledge intermediaries


Exchange efforts




Push efforts


Research engagement action: Agency to access and appraise research findings, commission or undertake research to generate new findings, or interact with researchers

User-pull efforts



Catalysts: occurs to initiate the process of engaging with or using research

Efforts to facilitate user pull (Analysis: also partly in themes Evidence and Intermediaries and links)

Other frameworks


Innovative frameworks (embed within an understanding of the broader system in which they work, and the relationship between the supply of and demand for knowledge on development policy issues)

  1. KPP Knowledge, policy and power framework, RAPID Context, evidence, links framework, SPIRIT SPIRIT Action Framework