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Table 1 Participant sampling frame and operational definitions used to guide workshop recruitment

From: Selecting, refining and identifying priority Cochrane Reviews in health communication and participation in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders

Participant group

Operational definition

Target (n)

Additional characteristics

Consumer/carer representativesa

Works with or represents others with a particular health interest or conditionb [2] (e.g. people on health service advisory groups, consumer researchers and peer support workers) [63]


Across the participants groups, we sought to include people with the following backgrounds or diversity of experiences:

 • Indigenous

 • Culturally and linguistically diverse

 • Geographic location

 • Age

 • Health settings (i.e. community vs. acute care)

 • Health conditions

Health professionals or health service managers

Has a specific role or interest in health communication and participation (with or without a clinical role), across a mix of professional backgrounds (i.e. doctor, nurse, allied health professional, quality manager or health charity)


Health policy-makers or researchers

Has a specific role in policy or in funding research or services in health communication and participation


  1. aWe described consumers and carers as separate groups to reflect Australian norms [9] and in light of their potentially different views and perspectives on healthcare provision
  2. bWe used this definition of ‘consumer and carer representatives’ to ensure we included people who could bring the perspectives and experiences of others, not solely their own lived experience