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Table 2 Standardised tool used to collect information about the processes

From: How can we improve priority-setting for investments in health research? A case study of tuberculosis

Tool component

Standard definition used to determine which stakeholders and criteria were relevant

Which stakeholders were involved as experts? [tick all that apply]

• Academics

o From a single discipline such as one of: basic science, epidemiology, operational/translational research, health economics, health policy and systems research, etc.

o From multiple disciplines: two or more disciplines

• International policy-makers/technical experts: representatives of WHO and other policy or technical assistance bodies working across multiple countries

• National disease control programme representatives

• Civil society: advocacy groups, community groups, etc.

• Funding body representatives: Funding Gaps Analysis, TB Program Strategy, Wellcome Trust, etc.

• Patients

• Physicians: whose primary occupation is treating (TB) patients in high-burden settings

• Industry representatives or product development partnerships

What criteria/values were used to prioritise areas? [tick all that apply]

• Effectiveness/efficacy: impact on reducing disease burden or adverse consequences of disease

• Knowledge gap: addressing critical scientific knowledge gaps that limit progress on disease control

• Cost-effectiveness: cost of delivery relative to impact is appropriate for high disease-burden settings

• Deliverability: investment will produce an output that can be implemented and deliver impact in settings with high disease burden (feasibility)

• Equity: knowledge or tool produced will benefit all populations, including vulnerable groups and populations in low-resource settings

• Sustainability: output implementation can be supported by finances and infrastructure available in high disease burden settings for the long term

• Other (specified)