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Table 2 Research fellow activities and contributions

From: Experiences of capacity strengthening in sanitation and hygiene research in Africa and Asia: the SHARE Research Consortium


Contributions to research project

Training organised

Training received/conference attendance

Funding applications


- Coordinating formative stage of the main project

- Coordinating the main project intervention

- Contributing to research into use through stakeholder meetings

- Leading the authorship of two manuscripts and contributing to other manuscripts from the study

- Reference management training to PhD students

- Training on poster development and qualitative data analysis to Master’s students

- Training of research assistants in methods of field data collection

- Mentorship to PhD and MSc students and supervising their theses/dissertations

- Lecturing Master’s and undergraduate students a course on basic research methods

- Training on transdisciplinary research (Uganda, Aug 2017)

- GLUK annual conference (November 2017)

- Africa Science Leadership training (South Africa, March 2018), organised by the University of Pretoria

- Seedbeds of transformation conference (May 2018, South Africa), organised by Future Earth

- Participant and panel discussant in the Sustainable African Cities Conference (July 2018, Ghana)

- Participated in the WEDC conference (July 2018)

- Participated in the International Conference on Urban Health (Nov 2018, Uganda)

- Co-principal investigator on a study on shared sanitation in Kenya and Ghana, funded by SIDA through the International Science Council

- Co-principal investigator on the ‘Market to Mouth study’, a 1-year research study in collaboration with University of Iowa and IFPRI, funded by IFPRI

- Study on faecal waste emptying services in Kisumu, funded by WSUP

- Three other applications were made but were unsuccessful


- Leading the qualitative research component of the Mikono Safi Intervention

- Contributed to the ongoing parental engagement activities in intervention schools

- Lead on a formative research to develop methods to be used to measure mobility among women at high risk of HIV infection in fishing communities along Lake Victoria

- Leading the authorship of two publications and contributing to other manuscripts from the study

- Co-facilitated a capacity-building session on the role of formative research in WASH in a WASH stakeholders’ meeting

- Co-facilitated a research methods course conducted annually by MITU

- Provided qualitative methods training to junior research scientists participating in Mikono Safi and other projects at MITU

- Learning new methods of analysis by contributing to the analysis of qualitative data from the Women’s Sanitation Vulnerabilities in Southern Tanzania, a funded SHARE project based in Iringa region

- Learning how to develop measures of mobility patterns among women with high risk of HIV infection in fishing communities along the Lake Victoria

- Poster presentation at UNC 2018

Contributed to grant applications:

- Randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of antiretroviral treatment and access to services case management intervention in increasing early linkage to HIV primary care

- Mixed methods study to assess reliability of using GPS trackers and mobility phones to study mobility patterns among women at high risk of HIV infection in fishing communities along the Lake Victoria (submitted to International AIDS Vaccine Initiative)


- Establish assays for testing environmental enteric dysfunction in serum and stool samples

- Support evaluation of rotavirus vaccine response and evaluation of factors negatively influencing vaccine uptake

- Profiled pathogens responsible for the aetiology of diarrhoea post-rotavirus vaccine introduction

- Leading the authorship of two publications and contributing to other manuscripts from the study

- Provide mentorship to three PhD students and one MSc student

- Participated at CIDRZ weekly research meetings

- Presentation to institution research team on all available grants

- Learnt how to design and implement a clinical trial

- Learnt project management skills (currently managing three projects)

- Learnt grant writing skills

- Attended the roundtable SHARE meeting in Geneva

- Attended a EDCTP meeting in Johannesburg

- Attended the grant and manuscript writing at CAPRISA, Johannesburg

- Attended to in house Stata training within CIDRZ

- Received an EDCTP grant (Career Development award) of 36 months duration, aiming to determine immunogenicity against the newly introduced cholera vaccine in a Zambian population

- Submitted grant applications to Welcome trust Career Fellowship Awards, Future Leaders – African Independent Research Fellowships from the Royal Society of the United Kingdom


- Participation in the intervention development, training of research assistants and monitoring of data

- Training and supervision of Group Coordinators

- Coordination of small research related to main protocol

- Coordinating publication development

- Dissemination of research protocol, progress and results to stakeholders

- Leading the authorship of one publication and contributing to other manuscripts from the study

- Manuscript writing workshop

- Research methods courses (sample size determination, mix method tools, role of bias and confounding,

how to conduct literature reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, monitoring and evaluation, how to use different research software)

- Grant proposal writing course

- Integrating social science in engineering and applied science research course for staff

- How get promoted through research, consultancy, teaching, university duties and outreach for staff

- Attended a research methods conference in Tanzania organised by MITU and NIMR in February 2017

- Attended Partnership for African Social Governance Research Seminar in November 2017

- Presented at the College of Medicine Research Dissemination Conference in November 2017 in Malawi and emerged best PhD presenter

- Attended a postgraduate supervision course organised by the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa and College of Medicine in Malawi in July 2018

- Attended a monitoring and evaluation course organised by University of Witwatersrand in Malawi in August 2018

- Applied to the African Public Health Leaders Fellowship (October 2018 to October 2019)

- Applied for the 2018 Demographic Health Surveys Fellows Programme for University Faculty from Afghanistan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Malawi, Myanmar, Nepal, South Africa, Timor-Leste, and Zimbabwe

  1. CAPRISA Centre for the Aids Programme of Research in South Africa; CIDRZ Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia; EDCTP European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership; GLUK Great Lakes University of Kisumu, Kenya; IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute; MEIRU Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Research Unit at the Polytechnic of the University of Malawi; MITU Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit, Tanzania; NIMR National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania; SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency; UNC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; WEDC Water, Engineering and Development Centre; WSUP Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor