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Table 4 Examples from selected studies

From: Adapting evidence-informed population health interventions for new contexts: a scoping review of current practice



Types of adaptation: content modifications in response to profound cultural values and traditions

In their cultural adaptation of a mental health literacy intervention to the First Nations context, Crooks and colleagues describe modifications to foster community resilience by building upon specific healing resources of First Nations cultures [37]

In an adaptation of an evidence-informed nursing intervention to improve medication adherence among people with HIV/AIDS in China, Williams and colleagues included family members in intervention activities to acknowledge the social importance of the family in China [32]

Types of adaptation: modifications made to the outward design

When transferring the intervention to prevent substance use and associated harms from UK to Australian adolescents, Barrett and colleagues changed the places (e.g., train station) and activities (e.g., athletics) on student leaflets to present more culturally appropriate situations [42]

Types of adaptation: modifications to how interventions are delivered

In their adaptation of HIV care and treatment in rural Mozambique, Audet and colleagues selected traditional healers as support workers to deliver the intervention

When culturally adapting an intervention to reduce sexual risk behaviours among patients attending a STI clinic in St. Petersburg, Russia, Grau and colleagues used gradual and indirect introduction of role plays, as these exercises were not very common in the Russian context [36]

Process of adaptation: involving stakeholders to inform key decisions on modifications

When transferring a psychological intervention to reduce hopelessness after traumatic brain injury (TBI) from the Australian civilian context to that of US Veterans, Matarazzo and colleagues report organising a day-long stakeholder conference to learn about the intervention and reach consensus regarding necessary modifications. Stakeholders included the developer of the original intervention, professionals familiar with Veterans, rehabilitation or TBI, the Veterans Integrated Service Network, research staff, clinical psychologists, social workers, peer support specialists, and key community stakeholders [34]