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Table 1 Contextual differences between the source (ECIBC) and adoloped (Tunisian) guidelines

From: Contextual differences considered in the Tunisian ADOLOPMENT of the European guidelines on breast cancer screening

Guideline Item

ECIBC Guideline

Tunisian Guideline

Rationale for change by Tunisian panel




Organized mammography screening programs not available in Tunisia


Screening and diagnosis


Feasibility considerations; first ADOLOPMENT experience

Prioritized questions



3 questions on screening using tomosynthesis were dropped, as tomosynthesis is not used in Tunisia as a screening tool

Rating of outcome importance

‘All-cause mortality’ important;‘overdiagnosis’ critical

‘All-cause mortality’ not important;‘overdiagnosis’ important

Change in perspective (from population to individual)

Baseline risks

Breast cancer incidence and breast cancer mortality rate from the meta-analysis control arm data

Lower breast cancer incidence, higher breast cancer mortality rate

Overall, the baseline risk of breast cancer mortality in Tunisia was assumed to be similar to that in Europe

Indirectness of the evidence

Judgment of indirectness made in the source guideline

Judgment of no (further) rating down of certainty of evidence for indirectness

Based on the consideration of how the characteristics of the populations or the interventions in the Tunisian setting compare to the setting of the source guideline

  1. *By the time the ADOLOPMENT process was initiated, the source guideline had published recommendations for nine questions only