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Table 1 Summary of surveys by round

From: First Nations Australians’ self-determination in health and alcohol policy development: a Delphi study


Response type

Number of questions (elements)a

Round 1a

 A. Demographics: experience, qualifications, jurisdictionsb


 B. Essential elements needed for policy development processes to be self-determinative

Open-ended text field


 C. The degree of self-determination evident in evidenced-based examples of the policy development process

10-point Likert scalec

Open-ended text field


 D. Identifying the stages when it is essential for First Nations Australians to be included in policy development and suggested examples of First Nations Australians’ self-determination in policy development processes

2 categorical questionsd

Open-ended text field


Round 2a

 Q1. Support for these existing elements and changes to others, would enable First Nations Australians’ self-determination to be recognized

4-point Likert scalee

Open-ended text field


 Q2. There were a number of values identified that should underpin policy development processes for it to be seen as self-determination

4-point Likert scalee

Open-ended text field


 Q3. Self-determination in alcohol policy requires the policy-makers to use processes that ensure First Nations Australian/s…

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field


 Q4. Self-determination in alcohol policy development requires decision-making processes that…

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field


 Q5. Self-determination in alcohol policy development requires that First Nations Australians are involved in the process with representation from First Nations Australians…

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field


 Q6. At implementation, alcohol policy should include approaches that ensure it…

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field


 Q7. Examples

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field


Round 3a

 Q1. Support for these existing elements and changes to others, would enable First Nations Australians' self-determination to be recognized

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field


 Q3. Self-determination in alcohol policy requires the policy-makers to use processes that ensure First Nations Australian/s…

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field

(4 + 2)

 Q4. Self-determination in alcohol policy development requires decision-making processes that…

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field

(3 + 3)

 Q5. Self-determination in alcohol policy development requires that First Nations Australians are involved in the process with representation from First Nations Australians…

3-point Likert scaleg

Open-ended text field


 Q6. At implementation, alcohol policy should include approaches that ensure it…

7-point Likert scalef

Open-ended text field


 Q7. Examples

4 optionsh

Open-ended text field


  1. aRound 1—the number of questions for the section; round 2 and round 3—the number of elements (subthemes) for each question, arising from analysis of round 1 and round 2 survey data
  2. bSee Table 2
  3. c1–10 continuous Likert scale: 1 = not self-determination to 10 = definitely self-determination
  4. dEight options (select all that apply): not at all; agenda-setting stage; consultation; policy creation; implementation; monitoring; evaluation; all stages
  5. eFour-option Likert (select one): non-negotiable and can be implemented now; non-negotiable, but is aspirational and unlikely at present; ideal but not necessary; not self-determination
  6. f1–7 continuous Likert scale: 1 = not self-determination to 7 = non-negotiable necessary for self-determination
  7. gThree-option Likert (select one): always include; include in some contexts but not all; inclusion is not self-determination
  8. hFour options (select all that apply): type of representation; stage that First Nations Australians were involved; how First Nations Australians were involved; and aim of the example provided