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Table 2 Application of Cooke’s RCB framework to the RRGP

From: Research Ready Grant Program (RRGP) protocol: a model for collaborative multidisciplinary practice–research partnerships

RRGP RCB principles

RRGP intervention

RRGP measurements

Research capacity is built by developing appropriate skills and confidence through training and developing the opportunity to apply skills in practice

Delivery of 8-week skills development workshop

Number of initial applications and developed proposals

Attendance at the eight weekly lectures

Participant evaluation of their experience of the programme (survey)

Interviews with participants

RCB should support research “close to practice” to highlight its usefulness to practice

An industry-driven research problem/topic is a requirement for admission to the RRGP

Ongoing support from research facilitators throughout phase 1

All expression of interest (EOI) submissions for admission to RRGP address clinician-identified problems and are consistent with the CQHHS Destination 2030 vision

Developing linkages, partnerships and collaborations enhances RCB

Research skills development workshops

Connecting with experienced researchers/ research mentors

Multidisciplinary team participation is a requisite for admission to the RRGP phase 1 and phase 2

Weekly unstructured networking opportunity

All EOI submissions for admission to RRGP list at least two disciplines

Reporting on the number of emergent collaborative partnerships (individual, team and organizational levels)

Interviews with the mentors/facilitators/participants

Multidisciplinary participation evident on phase 2 grant submissions

RCB should ensure appropriate dissemination

Elevator research pitch

Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service (CQHHS) Research Showcase

External dissemination: conference presentations, journal article

Annually, the number of:

Teams who present an elevator research pitch to colleagues

Funded teams who present an oral or poster presentation at the annual HHS research showcase

Publications accepted in peer reviewed journals

External conference presentations delivered

RRGP project report developed and disseminated

RCB should ensure elements of continuity and sustainability

Grant round (RRGP phase 2)

Development of programme resources

Online resource development

Annually, the number of:

RRGP grant submissions

RRGP grants awarded—funding-dependent

RRGP projects completed—ongoing

Programme resources and templates developed

Online resources developed

Developing appropriate infrastructure enhances RCB

Establish sustainable an ongoing model for delivering the RRGP

Extend reach to settings other than Rockhampton

Successful funding for future years

Ongoing commitment to the RRGP model

Identify platform to store developed RRGP resources

Implement strategies for rural/remote clinicians to participate in phase 1