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Table 1 Integration at different levels and resultant action or outcomes in the CIIC model

From: Effectiveness of a community-integrated intermediary care (CIIC) service model to enhance family-based long-term care for Thai older adults in Chiang Mai, Thailand: a cluster-randomized controlled trial TCTR20190412004

Level of integration


Action or outcome


Older persons

Family caregivers

Volunteer exercise trainer

Health volunteers

1. Home exercise

2. Community-based, group care prevention functional exercise


CIIC facility

Primary health care centre and professionals 

Community stakeholders

Municipality office

1. Care capacity-building

2. Respite centre and formal care

3. Referrals to primary health care

4. Home visits for training family caregivers

5. Coordinating community-based activities

6. Data collection


Public health authority

Public administration authority

University academics


Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

1. Building the CIIC facility

2. Establishment, implementation and sustainability of the model

3. Funding

4. Research