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Table 2 CMO mapping template

From: How transdisciplinary research teams learn to do knowledge translation (KT), and how KT in turn impacts transdisciplinary research: a realist evaluation and longitudinal case study


 Elements of both the physical and social environment that enable or impede the expected outcomes


 Individuals, groups or organizations involved in the implementation and outcomes of an intervention


 An explanation or justification of why a resource was used by an actor to achieve an expected outcome (or not)



Immediate effects of CRE programme activities (e.g. changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and awareness preceding changes in behaviour)


Intermediate outcomes of the CRE identified through indirect effects of CRE activities (e.g. changes in behaviours or practices following immediate changes in knowledge and skills)

Long term

Changes in the medium and long term, reflecting further indirect effects of CRE activities and less accountability of the programme elements (e.g. impacts on community and health system)



 Resources and programme activities introduced


 Participants’ reasoning in response to resources

  1. aOutcomes specified for analytical clarity also used to guide IPT