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Table 1 Services provided from clinics

From: Strategies for providing healthcare services to street-dwellers in Dhaka city: Evidence from an operations research

Treatment/services provided on

Name of diseases and services offered

General health

Gastritis, hypertension, anaemia, pain (headache and others), common cold and cough, fever, asthma, scabies, infection (any type), injury (any type), diarrhoea, dysentery, and health education

Reproductive and maternal health

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)/reproductive tract infections (RTIs), ANC, postnatal care (PNC)

Family-planning methods

Condom, pill, and injection

Child health

Acute respiratory infection (ARI), pneumonia, diarrhoea, dysentery, common cold and cough, fever, scabies, helminthiasis, infection (any type), and injury (any type)

Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI)

BCG, pentavalent (DPT, hepatitis B, and Hib), OPV, measles, and tetanus toxoid

Referral to government and NGO facilities

Delivery, semi-permanent and permane family-planning methods (Norplant, intrauterine device, tubectomy, and vasectomy)