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Table 1 Feasibility criteria, theoretical bases and coding exemplars

From: Reporting of feasibility factors in publications on integrated treatment programs for women with substance abuse issues and their children: a systematic review and analysis

Feasibility Criteria

Theoretical Basis

Coding Exemplars for “Information Included”

Intervention Characteristics


Is the treatment model of the program documented?


Any reference to a specific model e.g., “12-step,” “therapeutic community”

Is there a description of some or all of the services offered in the program?


Any description of service or program components, e.g., “the women received prenatal care and addiction services”

Is it noted that the program was documented in a manual?


Any reference to using a “manualized” intervention or providing the name or reference for a specific manualized approach e.g., ““Nurturing Program” manual was followed”

Is there any mention of how others could adopt and implement this program?


Any reference to other agencies adopting or implementing the program e.g., “this program has been adopted by …”


Is openness to local adaptation specified

Potential for adaptation

Any reference to “core features” or aspects of the program that can be changed and still maintain effectiveness e.g., “aftercare is an essential component”

Are any program implementation challenges mentioned?


Any reference to or description of general or specific implementation challenges e.g., “the intervention experienced problems with a lack of consistency and confidentiality,” “program efforts were hampered by staff turnover and staff lack of understanding of mental health issues”


Practitioner Characteristics


Are any staff characteristics mentioned?

Resources required

Any general or specific description of the staff involved in the intervention e.g., “all but 1 staff were female,” “staff were culturally competent,” “program was provided by a licensed clinical social worker with expertise in substance use,” “the services were provided by an obstetrician, addictions counsellor, nurse, midwife and social worker”

Is staff education level documented?


Any specific reference to the educational level required to implement the intervention or involved in the actual delivery of the program reported in the documents e.g., “degreed teachers,” “Master’s level therapists”

Is staff level of experience mentioned?


Any general or specific reference to experience e.g., “experienced drug counsellors,” “2 years of experience with this program”

Frequency or amount of any type of supervision or case/treatment discussion documented?

Resources required

Any specific reference to frequency or amount of any type of supervision or case/treatment discussion e.g., “cases were reviewed in weekly clinical staff meetings,” “full team case review occurred quarterly,” “supervision was available Monday-Friday 9-5”

Is the amount of intervention-specific staff training required for this program documented?

Resources required

Any specific reference to the training required to learn the intervention e.g., “2-day in-service,” “40-48 hours annually”

Client Characteristics


Are any characteristics of the program clients described?


Any description of the clients/participants beyond being a women and being pregnant or parenting, including age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc.

Is there a description of inclusion/exclusion criteria for the program?


Any reference to “inclusion,” “exclusion” or “eligibility” criteria, including more general language, e.g., “in order to be considered for the program women had to have custody of at least one child”

Are the referral sources for the program described?


Any description of referral sources including specific data or more general information, e.g., “the majority of participants were referred by…”

Service Delivery Characteristics


Is the process of screening/assessment of potential program clients program described?


Any description of the screening and assessment process for entry into the program, e.g., “women were assessed using a standardized battery, including.”


Is some type of planned dosage measure described?


Any reference to the number of planned sessions, planned length of the program, planned length of stay, e.g., “15-24 months,” “eighteen 90-minutes sessions,” “2 days per week”

Resources required

Is some type of actual dosage measure described?


Any reference to the number of actual sessions provided, actual length of the program or length of stay, e.g., “average number of days attended was 10,” “average length of stay was 6.3 months,” “mean number of session attended was 5”

Resources required

Are the program retention or withdrawal rates documented?


Any reference to “retention,” “withdrawal,” “drop-out,” or “completion/incompletion” rates e.g., “44% completed” or “27% dropped out in first 90 days”

Is the location specified?


Any reference to the location of the service, e.g., “hospital-based”

Is there any mention of space requirements?

Resources required

Any reference to the physical space required or involved in delivery of the intervention e.g., “14 houses and a child care centre,” “physical space on the unit designed for children,” “medical room”

Are any other client support resources described?

Resources required

Any reference to “incentives” or food, transportation or other supports e.g., “child care,” “bus tickets,” “grocery vouchers,” “$20 incentive each session,” “clothing,” “breakfast was provided”

Organizational Characteristics


Is the managing agency of program specified?


Any reference to who “administered” or “managed” or was “responsible for” delivery of the program, e.g., university

Are the numbers of staff documented?

Resources required

Any specific reference to the number of staff required to implement the intervention or involved in the actual delivery of the program reported in the documents, e.g., “1 therapist per group, 6 used in total,” “1 director and 13 counsellors” “25 full time and 3 part time staff were involved”

Service System Characteristics


Do they specify if the program is a single- or multiple-agency program?

Collaboration context

Any reference to the number of agencies involved in the intervention, e.g., “This initiative involved a collaboration between…”

Is there any mention of program cost or cost issues?

Resources required

Any general or specific references to cost or cost issues e.g., “the cost was $160 per week,” “providing transportation and housing was found to be less expensive than providing residential treatment,” “ the annual budget was $1.5 million,” “the program was funded by …”
