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Table 1 Frameworks included in the analysis

From: Frameworks for evaluating health research capacity strengthening: a qualitative study


Document title (date)

Length (approx. no. of words)

Specificity of questions and indicators

Matrix/logframe structure

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark – Danida

Danida Evaluation Guidelines (2012) [13]

Medium (14,000)


Intervention logic (input, output, outcome, impact) to inform evaluation design

Danish Development Cooperation in a Results Perspective: Danida’s Framework for Managing for Development Results 2011–2014 (2011) [14]

Medium (9,000)


Logical framework/results chain forms conceptual basis

ESSENCE on Health Research

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Capacity Strengthening in Health Research (2011) [11]

Short (4,000)

Health RCS-specific

Matrix with example indicators for activities, outputs and outcomes

The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases co-sponsored by UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank, and WHO (TDR)

Monitor, evaluate, improve: TDR Performance Assessment Framework – Measuring results (2011) [15]

Medium (13,000)

Health research-specific plus health RCS-specific

Matrix with example indicators based on expected results chain

National Institutes of Health: Fogarty International Center (FIC-NIH)

Framework for Program Assessment (Evaluation and Review) (2005) [16]

Short (5,000)

Health research-specific plus training aspect of health RCS

Categories with example indicators

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research: WOTRO Science for Global Development

Mid Term Review (2005–2008) form: Testable goals (review questions) (2005)

Very short (2,000)

Health RCS-specific

Indicators for institutional capacity

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Framework for evaluating capacity development in IDRC (2005) [17]

Long (24,000)

Capacity strengthening-specific

Conceptual model for the intervention

The Corporate Assessment Framework (2004) [18]

Very short (2,000)

Implies capacity strengthening-specific plus research-specific


Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

CIDA Evaluation Guide: Overcoming challenges; Delivering results; Meeting expectations; Making a contribution (2004) [19]

Very long (36,000)


A logical model should inform data collection for outputs, outcomes and impacts