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Table 4 Characteristics of individual frameworks related to harmonisation and to building evaluation capacity

From: Frameworks for evaluating health research capacity strengthening: a qualitative study


Coordination and alignment

Capacity building to commission or conduct evaluations

“How to do it” information provided to support Framework use or PM&E practice

Danida (2012) [13]

Whole chapter on multilateral development coordination. Highlights benefits of using country systems and data, and of joint or coordinated PM&E

Mentions the need to assess team capacity for qualitative evaluation and the cultural competence of data collectors. Mentions that it may develop the capacity of country organisations it works with on evaluations

Five annexes cover key issues with regard to codes of conduct; quality control and assurance; project inception reporting; evaluation reporting; analytical quality

Danida (2011) [14]

Some material about coordinating multilateral projects. Highlights benefits of using partners’ monitoring systems

Mentions the possible need to develop capacity for output monitoring among partners

Provides links to tools that funder staff may use, particularly for monitoring

ESSENCE (2011) [11]

Emphasises need for harmonization of practices across different funders and them using the framework in partnership

Paragraph on general capacity strengthening for funders, but nothing specific to evaluation

Little practical detail. Some key concepts regarding indicators are clarified. There is a list of sources, but this does not indicate which provide practical guidance

TDR (2011) [15]

Mentions need for partnership across funders

Not mentioned

Contains quite detailed instructions, plus a clear and fairly comprehensive glossary. There is a reading list, but this is not prominent and does not indicate which documents provide practical guidance

FIC-NIH (2005) [16]

Emphasises stakeholder involvement in planning only

Training and support for funder staff is provided by the Evaluation Officer; support for other stakeholders not mentioned

Little detail. Provides most on indicators, giving examples, but not how to identify and construct an indicator

WOTRO (2005)

Not mentioned

Not mentioned

No information to support practice

IDRC (2005) [17]

Not mentioned

Mentions that health RCS may need to address monitoring capacity

Explains the thinking behind CS evaluation, relationships between PM&E, and the types of questions to ask, providing examples of particular questions

IDRC (2004) [18]

Not mentioned

Not mentioned

Provides a link to characteristics of good performance and associated monitoring questions. Nothing apart from this

CIDA (2004) [19]

Not mentioned

It takes the form of a capacity building tool. Some discussion about building capacity among local recipients

The entire document focuses on providing detailed information to support the conduct of CIDA evaluations. There are checklists for each chapter, and a list of acronyms