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Table 5 Recommendations for different stakeholders to improve health RCS evaluation*

From: Indicators for tracking programmes to strengthen health research capacity in lower- and middle-income countries: a qualitative synthesis


Funding agencies

Priority decision-makers







International organizations

National research councils

Institutions (universities, research institutes, NGOs), networks

Researchers (established and learning)

International organizations

National and sub-national health services


Adequate allocation of resources to quality evaluation research alongside investments in the quality of the science, scientists, and science communication.






Systematic attention to indicator framing, selection, measurement (multiple data sources and valid standards to enhance quality), and analysis.









Development of indicators which better encompass relationships with knowledge users.









Disaggregation of indicator data according to equity categories.









Systematic consideration of assumptions, pre-conditions, or measurement confounders associated with the evaluations.





Greater attention to evaluation design, use of clear conceptual frameworks, systematic linkage of indicators in keeping with theories of change.







Development of comprehensive, prospective systems for health RCS indicator monitoring and evaluation, in which long-term impact is considered throughout the entire project cycle.










Separation out of three components of the upper level– provincial-national research environment, international-global research environment, and research networks.










  1. *Role designated as + small, ++ medium, or +++ large.