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Table 2 Factors underpinning retinopathy screening as a viable proposal

From: Developing recommendations to improve the quality of diabetes care in Ireland: a policy analysis

Determinants of viability


Regional groundwork

That [retinopathy] came out because there was already movement towards it and because it was something that could be delivered upon. There was already a mobile clinic up and running in the West and was showing great results and great compliance. So it was already on the agenda. And as I said we were practical enough to hitch our wagon to something.

International evidence

“…the fact that the eye screening service had been developed in the North West [of Ireland], that it was based on international evidence and it was very much they had looked to their colleagues and their counterparts in the UK and in Scotland. So it was very much looking beyond Ireland at was is the best way of delivering the screening programme.

Financial commitment

There was some money for retinopathy” to extend screening, so it was “obviously picked because it was already in progress.