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Table 1 Consumer Research Review Training Matrix

From: From inclusion to independence – Training consumers to review research


Awareness (Need to be aware)

Knowledge (Need to act in accordance)

Skill (Need to apply new knowledge)

Oral Information (Fundamental to research and research review. Verbally communicated during the training)

* Orientation to the organisation, including a discussion of its mission and philosophy

* Broad explanation of research

* Current research funding processes

* Existing research review mechanisms (scientific merit review, ethical review)

* Spectrum of cancer control research (range of possible investigations and core research disciplines)

* Purpose and rationale for consumer review

* Role and responsibilities of consumer review panel members

* Role and responsibilities of the chair of the consumer review panel

* Consumer review principles (conflicts of interest, confidentiality, openness, efficiency) Ground rules (need for participants

* to consider their own and others principles and biases etc)

* A spirit of cooperation, teamwork and mutual respect needs to prevail during panel discussions.

* Each application is scored independently and not in comparison to other applications under consideration

* Reviewer may abstain if they do not feel comfortable about providing a score

* All participants can offer their perspective of each proposal

* The final grade for each proposal should take into account the nature and intent of the research and the relative importance of each consumer review criterion.

Interaction (Necessary exchange of information, ideas, and opinions)

* Participants to ask for clarification if they are uncertain about an issue that may arise during the workshop

* Question time allocated into each presentation

* Verbal feedback on the effectiveness and clarity of the training sought throughout the training

* Participants to be asked to continue to feedback even after they complete the training

* If valuable group discussions occur during planned presentations, dedicated time to be set aside to discuss and clarify the issue

* Participants to write questions or concerns down so they can be dealt with during the workshop

* Participants required to complete written evaluation forms and pre and post training surveys

* Prior to the panel meeting, members to inform the Chair or support personnel of any issues and/or concerns they may have about the research applications or taking part in the review process.

* Participants to compile a list of any unfamiliar concepts, terminology etc during the review process

* Perceptions of lack of skill or knowledge are discussed in an open forum and addressed through reference (and necessary changes) to the formal terms of reference

* The nominated key spokesperson (each participant assigned 2–3 applications to review in detail) to describe the proposed work and give an assessment of its strengths and weaknesses (against the consumer review criteria)

* The chairperson (group elected) to summarise the full review panel's discussion and asks the panel members whether their recommended scores remain the same or are changed following the discussion.

* All panel members to verbally agree on the final ranked list of the proposals.

* The chairperson to compile a summary report which includes the average of the individual reviewer's scores and a summary of the panel's discussion of each of the proposals and the priority listing of proposals

Written Resources (Enhance and/or reinforce learning)

* List of research related abbreviations and acronyms

* Glossary of research and other relevant terms

* General information on cancer and research

* Fact sheets on each cancer research discipline

* Relevant examples of research in each discipline

* Flow diagram of research funding and review processes

* Frequently asked questions (FAQs) on scientific merit and ethical review

* Formal terms of reference for the review panel

* Detailed list and explanation of the responsibilities and ground rules for the review process

* Consumer review principles fact sheet

* FAQs on conflicts of interest and confidentiality

* Step by step guide to the consumer review of research applications

* Review criteria guidelines

* Reviewer forms and scoring ranges

* Tips on reviewing research applications and trouble shooting guide

* Contact details of chairperson and support personnel, travel directions and map to the CCNSW