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Table 1 Criteria for setting priorities according to their assessed importance by participants and external stakeholders.

From: Prioritization strategies in clinical practice guidelines development: a pilot study



Mean participants'

weighted score (SD)

Disease Burden

- Disease/Condition incidence or prevalence

- High risk impact of disease/condition in the health system

- High frequency of risk factors associated with the disease/condition

- High frequency of avoidable risk factors associated with the disease/condition

80,8 (18,2)

Information needs in the Health Sector

- Information needs within the Institution/Organization

- Current controversy about topic importance

- High importance of new methods and technology assessment

- Fast diffusion of non-assessed technologies, availability of resources and sufficient time for technologies implementation

- Country health priorities in agreement with CPG's needs

- High impact on national health system



Feasibility on development and implementation

- Feasibility on recommendations development which will improve health outcomes and cost

- Is the proposal politically feasible?

- Does it belong to priority health areas according to government policies?

- Feasibility in implementation; will not require an excessive amount of resources and will not present important barriers to implement changes

- Will reduce inequities when implemented

- Will require education to training professionals

- Does the proposed topic include the participation of multiple departments, institutions, organizations, etc?




- Availability of effective methods shown by methodologically adequate studies.

- Certainty about effectiveness of assessed interventions and technologies

- Potential impact of CPG

71,2 (20,7)

Economic impact on the health system

- Economic effects on health system (cost of an individual patient is high during diagnosis or therapeutic process)

- Disease/Condition associated with iatrogenic interventions that are significantly high in cost.

69,8 (24,0)

Clinical Practice Variation

- Current evidence is insufficient for disease control in the population

- Lack of high quality CPGs

- Availability of high volume of evidence regarding the CPG topic

- Evidence of inappropriate use of available technologies used in the treatment of condition (iatrogenic)

- Conditions/diseases where effective treatments could reduce mortality or morbidity

- Evidence of disagreements between current treatment and literature recommendations.

68,0 (22,1)

Other social effects/Equity

- Absenteeism from work or school, inability to work, inequities in access to health services

- Will the service be available to anyone who requires it?

- Will this CPG have a positive or negative impact on minorities' access to health services?

- Will the CPG increase health service access to those affected by the condition?

67,2 (25,7)

User Preferences

- High patient demand or interest

- Concerns about patients' quality of life

- Feasibility of patient empowerment

- High acceptability of the topic between the general public and professionals affected by the use of the CPG.

64,9 (22,3)

Adverse events

- Possibility of adverse events

- Possibility of serious adverse events

- Disease/condition associated with high incidence of adverse events or sequels

57,1 (28,0)

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

- Feasibility of prevention between patients with risk factors

- Are there specific activities of health promotion, disease prevention, early diagnosis or treatment? Have all of them shown a reduction in disease burden?

56,4 (32,3)

  1. * The maximum score was 100 and the minimum was 0