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Table 1 Elements of system dynamics modelling with STELLA

From: Applying a system dynamics modelling approach to explore policy options for improving neonatal health in Uganda


Description of the element



Stocks stand for anything that accumulates or drains and these can be physical in nature such as population or non-physical such as trust


Flows are the rate of change of stocks which update the magnitude of stocks and are usually outcomes of decisions by management or external forces [32]


Converters or auxiliary variables are used to take input data and manipulate or convert that input into some output signal; converters may be used for operations (+, –, ÷, ×) and serve as substitutes for either stocks or flows, and include constants, graphical and behavioural relationships


Connector s allow information to pass between converters and converters, stocks and converters, stocks and flows, and converters and flows; they serve as inputs and outputs and not inflows and outflows