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Table 1 Categories for the analysis of user-targeted implementation resources

From: User involvement in the implementation of clinical guidelines for common mental health disorders: a review and compilation of strategies and resources



Type of resource

General characteristics or structure of presentation

Guide/Manual; Book/Document; Leaflet; Course; Website; Instrument (scale/questionnaire/self-report/other); Video/Podcast; Other


Format or medium in which the resource is available

Interpersonal (face-to-face/by telephone); PDF/Word/Excel; Audio/visual; Website/online; other


Organisation, institution, group developing the resource

Local clinicians/local expert body; National professional expert body; National government expert body; International professional expert body/international government expert body; Non-governmental organisations/foundations/national associations; Agency/national company


English; Welsh; Other

Target audience

Specific target population for action

Professionals/managers; Users/patients; Users/family members/caregivers

Type of implementation strategy

Intervention(s) or action(s) aimed at facilitating the implementation of recommended guidelines

I Develop and distribute educational materials: Design and deliver manuals, tools and other support materials to aid in understanding guidelines or recommendations

II Prepare patients/consumers to be active participants: Strategies/actions to encourage users to be more actively involved in their own healthcare

III Develop and implement tools and systems for quality monitoring: Actions designed to implement systems and procedures to evaluate the quality of care; promote the use of protocols, standards, and measures to evaluate service performance and determine to what degree practices comply with recommended guidelines

Specific objective

Specific objective or purpose of the resource

Related to Strategy I:

Provide accessible and easy-to-understand information/education on various issues:

 a) Content of guidelines/recommendations; b) evidence-based recommendations; c) characteristics of the disorder/condition (symptoms, evolution, prognosis, etc.); d) information on the intervention (treatment(s), procedure(s), options, features, pros and cons, etc.); e) information on social service care (available resources, aid, services)

Related to Strategy II:

 a) Self-care: Materials/actions to enhance patients’ involvement in their own healthcare or the self-management of various health conditions. This includes, for example:

  a.1) training programmes (relaxation techniques, problem-solving skills, etc.); a.2) materials for self-reporting and self-monitoring of symptoms; a.3) material on symptom management or special situations (e.g. crises, relapses)

 b) Self-help: Resources/actions to encourage support and help among peers or guided by professionals

  b.1) access to self-help books/guides; b.2); access to peer groups; b.3) provide interactive support-care by telephone or information technologies (chats, e-mails, blogs); b.4) mixed/unspecified

Related to Strategy III:

 a) Define quality standards (users’ version): resources designed to promote users’ capacity to assess/request services, quality care, and treatment consistent with guidelines and recommendations