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Table 1 Comparative analysis of the different conceptual frameworks for national health research system strengthening

From: Evaluation of regional project to strengthen national health research systems in four countries in West Africa: lessons learned


Pang et al. [2] framework

McIntyre [16] framework

COHRED [17] framework

Governance and management

Stewardship (define and articulate a vision for national health research system; identify appropriate health research priorities and coordinate adherence to them; set and monitor ethical standards for health research and research partnership; monitor and evaluate health research system)

National research environment (governance and coordination, ethical guidelines/standards) Task network (Ministry of Heath, international funders, Southern NGO, Northern universities)

Foundations (development of policies, definition of priorities and management) Resources (coordination) Optimisation (ethic regulation, civil society engagement, research information system, and monitoring and evaluation) Enabling political environment (leadership)


Creating and sustaining resources (build, strengthen and sustain the human and institutional capacities to conduct, absorb and utilise health research)

Individual (training and experiences, disciplines, research, management and leadership skills) Institutional (critical mass, external environment/infrastructure, collegial environment, leadership, funding)

Resources (capacities)


Financing (secure research funds and allocate them accountably)

National research environment (funding demand for research outputs) External research environment (international funders, international organisations)

Resources (financing) Optimisation (fair research contracting)

Diffusion and use of research results

Producing and using resources (produce scientifically valid research; translate and communicate research to inform policy, strategies, practices and public opinions; promote the use of research to develop a new tools, e.g. drugs, vaccines, devices, to improve health)


Optimisation (research communication)