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Table 3 Requirements for financial conflicts of interest (COI) disclosure (n = 62)a

From: Requirements of health policy and services journals for authors to disclose financial and non-financial conflicts of interest: a cross-sectional study


n (%)

Individuals required to disclose financial COI:


62 (100)

 Family members

22 (35)

 Institutions/associated departments

17 (27)


1 (2)

Types of financial COI:

 Stock ownership

51 (82)


49 (79)

 Direct employment

49 (79)

 Serving as an advisor, consultant, or public advocate

43 (69)

 Personal fees

40 (65)

 Disclosure of patents (planned, pending or issued)

40 (65)

 Indirect financial support

37 (60)

 Honoraria for speaking, writing or reviewing

29 (47)


27 (44)

 Speaker bureaus or board membership

23 (37)


9 (15)

 Not specified

6 (10)

Source of payment

44 (71)

Amount of payment

11 (18)

 Irrespective of amount

7 (64)

 For amounts above a specific cut-off valued

4 (36)

  1. aJournals may have more than one option that applies; n = 62 refers to the policies that require the disclosure of at least one type of financial COI
  2. b‘Other’ includes medical writers and other contributors
  3. c‘Other’ includes mutual fund ownership (n = 4); economic and commercial (n = 1); commercial (n = 1); fiduciary interest (n = 1); sources of funds/earnings (n = 1); any financial relationships (n = 1)
  4. dThe respective cut-off values for the four journals were US $750.00 per year for three journals and $10,000 for one journal