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Table 1 Summary of AGREE II domains

From: A critical appraisal of guidelines used for management of severe acute malnutrition in South Africa’s referral system

AGREE domain

Summary of item questions

1. Scope and purpose

3 items: specific description of objectives, coverage of health questions and description of target population

2. Stakeholder involvement

3 items: guidelines development team variety, whether views of target population were sought and definitionof target users

3. Rigour of development

8 items: use of systematic evidence search methods, criteria for selecting evidence, description of strengths and limitations of evidence, description of recommendations formulation methods and risks of recommendations, link between evidence and recommendation, external review, and procedure for updating guidelines

4. Clarity of presentation

3 items: were recommendations specific and unambiguous, with different options and easily identifiable

5. Applicability

4 items: provision of tool for practice, describe barriers and facilitators to practice, consider resource implications and present monitoring and audit criteria

6. Editorial independence

2 items: not influenced by views of funding bodies and declare competing interests of guidelines development members