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Table 4 Reviews (2014–2017) used to validate programme theories

From: Uncovering the mechanisms of research capacity development in health and social care: a realist synthesis

Author (Year) [Ref]



Aim of study

Indicative If-Thens

Borkowski et al. (2016) [33]

Systematic Review

Allied Health

To evaluate the evidence to increase understanding of factors that could influence AH research culture, in addition to identifying the enablers and barriers for AH professionals to conduct research

IF individuals are able to identify involvement in multiple research activities and identify research in their job descriptions, THEN they will have confidence in their research skills and abilities

IF individuals identify a problem that needs changing, THEN they get involved in research activities

Dean et al. (2017) [77]


Health and Health Services Research

To critically analyse collective health RCS effort regarding the level, type, cohesion and conceptual sophistication of the current evidence base

IF LMICs are to own research conducted in their own context, THEN reflexivity on the appropriateness of particular research for their country should be encouraged

Ekeroma et al. (2015) [78]


Health and Health Services Research

To identify educational and other interventions that worked for clinicians, their characteristics and how they may have worked

IF novice researchers receive mentoring from experienced researchers, THEN novice researchers succeed in research activities

IF individuals work together in designated research teams, THEN individuals are successful in research activities

Franzen et al. (2017) [48]


Health and Health Services Research

To identify and critically examine the main approaches, strategies and trends in health RCD and consolidate key thinking in order to identify a more coherent approach

IF organisations develop and share a database of researchers, THEN researchers are able to network with each other

IF organisations develop LMIC university research training capacity using ‘train the trainer’ programmes, THEN individuals feel able to engage with health research

Gagliardi et al. (2014) [36]

Systematic Review

Knowledge Translation

To review literature in management and social sciences and identify essential components of mentoring programmes that could be adapted for knowledge translation mentorship

IF a preliminary workshop is used to convey knowledge prior to mentoring, THEN mentoring can reinforce that prior knowledge

Huber et al. (2015) [79]

Systematic review

Health and Health Services Research

To review tools and instruments to aid health RCD initiatives in selecting appropriate tools and instruments for data collection within their respective context

IF national organisations pay attention to the sustainability of programmes and impact evaluation (e.g. parameters of patient care or societal aspects), THEN research meets the needs of the local populations

Kahwa et al. (2016) [80]


Health and Health Services Research

To explore definitions, concepts, approaches and frameworks for RCB, to identify frameworks for evaluating RCB in healthcare, and to describe key challenges related to RCB in LMICs

IF leadership operates at an individual and a team level, THEN senior researchers support junior researchers and champion the development of institutional supports for research (including protected time for research)

IF organisations offer ongoing training, mentoring and supervision, sharing of skills and expertise as well as providing opportunities to apply acquired skills, THEN individuals develop research skills, self-assuredness and a positive attitude towards doing and using research

IF research questions are generated in consultation with users (practitioners and other service providers, and policy-makers), THEN researchers produce research that is relevant to prevailing health issues and concerns

IF organisations support appropriate dissemination, THEN this enhances the social impact of research and ensures that it effectively influences practice

IF organisations establish essential research structures and provide opportunities to apply and extend knowledge and skills gained into practice, THEN organisations can achieve continuity and sustainability

IF organisations involve academic and management staff to supervise and manage projects, provide protected time for research, create research positions, and enhance knowledge about and access to research funding opportunities, THEN organisations support participation in research/related capacity-building initiatives

IF researchers develop partnerships and linkages and thus expand intellectual and social capital, THEN this facilitates the exchange of research skills, knowledge and expertise

Lode et al. (2015) [34]

Systematic Review


To identify and evaluate evidence of clinical nurses’ RCB in practice

IF organisations strengthen nurses’ belief in the value of research and of research teams, THEN nurses will participate in research activities

Mugabo et al. (2015) [81]

LMICs (Africa)

Health and Health Services Research

To contribute to RCD efforts by providing insights from different approaches that could be applied to other locations and to encourage more complete reporting of such initiatives

IF organisations develop a strong institutional infrastructure, THEN organisations succeed in securing research funding

IF experienced researchers mentor novice researchers on publications, THEN novice researchers are able to publish their research in high profile international journals

Norton et al. (2016) [35]

Systematic Review

Public Health

To identify evaluated strategies used by organisations and programme developers to build the programme evaluation capacity of their workforce, and to describe success factors and lessons learned

IF organisations demonstrate that evaluation is an organisational focus or priority, THEN individuals will consider involvement in evaluation to be important

IF organisations embed evaluation into work processes through policy and procedures that uphold evaluation expectations, THEN organisations demonstrate strong evaluation leadership

  1. AH Allied Health, LMICs low- and middle-income countries, RCB research capacity building, RCD research capacity development, RCS research capacity strengthening