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Table 1 Characteristics of embedded implementation research projects in Latin America and the Caribbean

From: Embedding implementation research to enhance health policy and systems: a multi-country analysis from ten settings in Latin America and the Caribbean


Policy, programme or intervention

Research question

Design and methods

Implementation research variables


Policy of regionalization of perinatal health services within the province of Santa Fe

What is the current situation for implementation of the regionalisation strategy in Santa Fe? Which are the main barriers and facilitating factors for policy implementation?

Mixed; Document review, secondary data collection to build process indicators for implementation, and key informant interviews; Delphi method among stakeholder groups; deliberative dialogue, stakeholder analysis

Fidelity, Appropriateness, Acceptability


National Chagas Program

What is the best strategy to implement the decentralised distribution of trypanocidal at scale?

Mixed; Secondary data collection, health facility survey, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions

Feasibility, Coverage


Policy of screening for syphilis during antenatal care in Los Andes Health Network

What are the barriers to screening for syphilis during antenatal care?

Mixed; Secondary data collection, in-depth interviews



Regional program of tuberculosis (TB) control

How to enhance the care of individuals living with TB/HIV co-infection in the setting of specialised care facilities in the state of Ceará, Brazil?

Mixed; Secondary data collection, focus group discussions

Acceptability, Adoption


Sexual and Reproductive Health Program and National Comprehensive Program for Adolescent Health in the Municipality of Huechuraba

What are the existing problems and shortcomings of the primary care services in Huechuraba that limit adolescents’ access to contraception?

Qualitative; Descriptive study based on participatory action research, which incorporated document review, secondary data collection, and semi-structured interviews with key informants

Appropriateness, Coverage


National Program for Clinical Practice Guidelines

How can the management of implementation of clinical practice guidelines by the National Program for Clinical Practice Guidelines be optimised?

Qualitative; Semi-structured key informant interviews and focus group discussions

Optimisation, awareness, acceptability


Clinical practice guidelines for sexually transmitted infections in Antioquia and Cundinamarca States, Colombia

How does acceptability, perceived usefulness and uptake of implementation tools impact the implementation process of clinical practice guidelines in the Colombian health system?

Mixed; System mapping, surveys, semi-structured interviews and stakeholder analysis

Adoption, Uptake, Acceptability, Perceived usefulness


TeleHealth Program in public health services in Oaxaca

What is the process and logistics for implementing TeleHealth (through teleconsultations) in Oaxaca? What is the fidelity of the programme and how can it be improved? What are the requirements to institutionalise the programme?

Mixed; Descriptive study, document review of manuals and management reports, secondary data collection, survey and interviews

Fidelity, Adoption


National strategies for HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis

What are the barriers to integration of services for HIV/AIDS and TB?

Mixed; Key informant interviews and secondary data collection from TB and HIV registries of the healthcare facilities

Appropriateness, Coverage

Saint Lucia

Modernized newborn screening program for sickle cell disease

What are the barriers to administering neonatal heel prick screening for sickle cell disease sickle?

Mixed; Survey and focus group discussions

Acceptability, Coverage