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Table 3 The PHIMS System of Practice from analysis of ethnographic data

From: Using a ‘rich picture’ to facilitate systems thinking in research coproduction

 1. Components of PHIMS System of Practice

  1.1 System rules – Rules that outline how the PHIMS system is supposed to work

  1.2 Data – Refers to the process of data entry in PHIMS, including the user-interface

  1.3 Contact Management – Regards the keeping and use of records for site contact details

  1.4 Reports – Reporting function in PHIMS and how PHIMS data is reported

  1.5 Scheduled follow-ups – How PHIMS prompts practitioners to engage with sites and how practitioners do so

  1.6 Health promotion practice – How principles of health promotion practice are reflected or enacted in the system

 2. Dynamics between parts of the system

  2.1 How used – How practitioners effectively use PHIMS (may be beyond intended use)

  2.2 Incongruence – Where there is dissonance between the demands from PHIMS and practitioner’s use of/or engagement with PHIMS

  2.3 Workarounds – How do practitioners get around system constraints or problems

  2.4 Missed opportunity – Instances where practice could be supported by PHIMS, but currently is not

  2.5 Black Box – Data goes into PHIMS, but then what happens?

  2.6 Blocks – Issues and challenges to intended functions of PHIMS or health promotion

  2.7 Fears – Expressed fear or concern regarding use and purpose of PHIMS