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Table 4 Summary of steps to develop the rich picture

From: Using a ‘rich picture’ to facilitate systems thinking in research coproduction

Orientation and grounding

 1) Orient to the task by revisiting the aims and objectives of the work overall

 2) Identify who the process is being designed for, who will participate in the final workshop and what their relationships is to the topic

 3) Identify initial ‘design considerations’, i.e. aspects of the context and participants that must be considered when designing the final product and/or workshop; for example, how much time is available for the workshop? How big can the visual be? Can it be printed in colour?

Documenting the process, including boundaries and limitations

 4) Track potential cautions to keep in mind in the design; for example, an important design consideration was that we wanted the activity to be one of discernment and inquiry vs. one of judgement and critique

 5) Throughout the day, question and re-question what a meaningful outcome of the workshop would look like

 6) Clarify boundaries to determine content that should be included and what is beyond scope; document these boundaries

 7) Capture analytical questions throughout the process that can be used to drive the workshop itself

Analysing data to develop metaphors and imagery

 8) Review initial analysis in which data have been sorted into broader categories

 9) Use sense-making to identify key patterns in the data, i.e. ask ‘what is this a category a grouping of (more broadly)?’ and ‘how do these groupings sit alongside and interact with one another?’

 10) Use key patterns to develop a metaphor for visualisation. Experiment with multiple metaphors, consider the limitations of each and how the metaphor can be refined to best reflect the insights

 11) Repeatedly check back with the data and with the ethnographers’ broader knowledge of the field to ensure accuracy, thoroughness and authenticity

 12) Constantly test the developing metaphor to optimise accuracy and meaning, refine visualisations and ensure the focus/purpose of activity is maintained