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Table 2 Examples of PAT questions for the decision-making category

From: The added value of using the HEPA PAT for physical activity policy monitoring: a four-country comparison




Key past policy documents and past events


Please describe any key past policy documents and past events that have led to the current context of HEPA promotion in your country. This might include legislation or recent policy documents that are now technically out of date (e.g. a previous national HEPA policy that may or may not have been extended), previous landmark legislation, or other documents such as scientific reports. Key events might include political changes, position statements or scientific events that have shaped the HEPA agenda

Please list the documents/events, provide a web link (where available), and indicate if an English version or summary is available in each case

Current key policy documents, legislation, strategies or action plans


Please provide details (title, timeframe, issuing body) of the current key policy documents, legislation, strategies or action plans in your country, which outline government (and, where applicable, NGO) intention to increase national levels of physical activity (see Glossary for definitions of these terms)

Please list the documents according to sector and, where available, provide a web link, indicating whether an English version or summary is available. Please provide a brief description of the general content of each policy (about 100–250 words)

Please mark in the right-hand column which are the most important documents for the HEPA agenda in your country and briefly explain why these documents are deemed important

Use of a consultative process


During the development of the most important policies/action plans listed in Question 7, was a consultative process used, involving relevant stakeholders?

If yes, please briefly outline the steps of this consultation processes and which organizations were involved. Please also mention any challenges in recent years in engaging government ministries or other agencies through such processes

Evidence of cross-referencing and alignment within and between policies


In your appraisal of the policy documents listed in Question 7, is there evidence of cross-referencing and alignment within and between policies, with genuine connections between different policy areas, or do the policies present separate, sector-specific strategies without evidence of links and consistency across sectors and documents with relevant policy?

For example: in the health sector, does a national obesity prevention strategy refer to an existing physical activity promotion plan, thus demonstrating an integrated overarching national approach to addressing physical activity? Does a transport policy recognize links with other policies that promote walking and cycling in the health sector (or sport field)? Does a sport promotion policy cross-reference HEPA promotion activities contained in a health promotion policy?

If yes, please briefly explain and give examples of such cross-referencing. Please state which of the policy documents presented in Question 7 you are referring to