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Table 2 Examples of benefits described by researchers with previous experience of involving users (n = 37), categorized into five types of beneficial consequences

From: User involvement in ageing and health research: a survey of researchers’ and older adults’ perspectives

Beneficial consequence


Societal relevance

Identify topics/issues from the real world

Implementation programme was more focused on the needs the target group had

Easier to understand their perspective

Relevance of research questions

Stay on track on what is really relevant, get different viewpoints

Involving carers was of importance to receive knowledge about what they need and what they would want when it comes to online support

From a project manager and researcher perspective you might overall focus on developing the product and receive the data that you need BUT when you involve users you might discover that you must consider their life circumstances and what they view as important

They represent the target population

We could concentrate on those things that mattered most

In terms of validity

To include their experiences strengthened the relevance of the findings

Increase the practice

Benefit the public

The organization took findings to redesign their intervention approach targeting older people in developing countries

Research quality

To get help with research questions

Yes, we understand things better!

To enhance the feasibility of the research design

I got some good ideas about what questions to ask in interviews and surveys and possible interpretations of results

Input on interpretation of the results

Relevant and important feedback on our results as well as our plan on how to move forward. By asking questions we could further be clearer in our way of describing the study

The trustworthiness of the intervention increased. Greater person-centredness of the instrument/tool we developed

It was beneficial to get a deeper understanding about the whole procedure when it comes to co-designing

Refined the results

Helped to brainstorm solutions to issues encountered during the implementation phase of the research

Methodological resources

Helped to increase the accessibility of the chosen research instruments, interview guides/schedules

Helped to design more user-friendly experiments

Primarily concerning relevant design of the study

Achievement of project goals

To get help with interview questions and recruitment of participants

We could adapt the methods and design of the devices

Improved implementation

It will make implementation later on easier

Implementation of the results in practice

Implementation of findings

Facilitated implementation of new methods and routines in the organization

Possibility for implementation

Important input for improving the “product” that was tested/implemented

Improved communication

Helped to disseminate the research findings in their respective networks and in more accessible ways

Increase visibility of our research

Our research is acknowledged more