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Table 2 Scope and Speed of Diffusion Matrix

From: Factors associated with the speed and scope of diffusion of COVID-19 therapeutics in a nationwide healthcare setting: a mixed-methods investigation

  1. Colour coding scheme as follows: dark green—supports uptake of the intervention; light green—supports uptake of intervention, but less strongly; yellow—neutral impact on uptake; orange—weak factor against uptake; red—strong factors against uptake; blue—mixed impacts and impacts that may have changed over time
  2. *Initial strength of evidence grade was III; however, lower strength of evidence grade was found prior to FDA approval, and thus experimental medication was not widely available, as the compassionate use program was discontinued very early on
  3. **Quality and strength of evidence rankings were variable for tocilizumab, depending upon the data available at the time and the population being studied
  4. ***Strength of evidence and quality of evidence rankings were the same before and after the recommendation against use
  5. ****Perceived clinical risk; actual risk is likely similar to tocilizumab and baricitinib, but clinical providers are generally more familiar with corticosteroids than the other anti-inflammatory medications, which tend to be prescribed and managed primarily by specialists
  6. ******Reflects risk perception, and not actual risk. Note that this changed over time; initially felt to be minimal risk, but risk perception was driven by a high-profile study that demonstrated harm. Although this investigation was later retracted, the impacts were sustained