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Table 1 Survey questions included in public consultation

From: Improving prioritization processes for clinical practice guidelines: new methods and an evaluation from the National Heart Foundation of Australia

1. I am providing information as a:

(A) Member of the public

(B) Healthcare professional (13 categories of responses available)

2. What cardiovascular disease theme(s) do you think are a priority for the Heart Foundation?

3. Why is this clinical theme of significance to the Australian community?

(e.g. is there a significant burden of disease, prevalence, or economic impact? Is there opportunity to reduce inequity?)

4. Why is information and advice needed on this theme currently?

(e.g. is there new, emerging or rapidly changing evidence or new care options? Is there complexity, controversy or uncertainty about themes and treatment?)

5. What area(s) of care require information and advice about this theme?

(e.g. prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, management)