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Table 5 Interaction/partnership with researchers and use of research evidence for policy-making

From: Institutional roles, structures, funding and research partnerships towards evidence-informed policy-making: a multisector survey among policy-makers in Nigeria

Parameter assessed

Mean (on a 5-point scale)

Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers as part of a priority-setting process to identify high-priority policy issues for which research is needed


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers as part of research about high-priority policy issues with which they were involved as a co-investigator


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers to provide assistance with undertaking research about high-priority policy issues


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers to provide assistance with designing and executing strategies to support policy-makers’ use of the findings from research about high-priority policy issues


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers to obtain assistance with acquiring existing research evidence about high-priority policy issues


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers to obtain assistance with assessing the quality and local applicability of existing research evidence about high-priority policy issues


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers to obtain assistance with presenting existing research evidence about high-priority policy issues to other policy-makers in a useful way


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers through legislative committee testimonies and government-sponsored expert committees or public hearings


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers through policy dialogues designed to discuss high-priority policy issues and how research evidence can inform how to address these issues


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers through research conferences and meetings


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers through informal conversations with personal contacts on issues


Extent to which participant/participant’s organization interacts with researchers through long-term partnerships (e.g. through an advisory board) on issues
