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Table 6 Organizational roles in promoting EIPM

From: Institutional roles, structures, funding and research partnerships towards evidence-informed policy-making: a multisector survey among policy-makers in Nigeria

Parameter assessed

Mean (on a 5-point scale)

Extent of agreement that participant’s organization can initiate and drive the process that can facilitate collaboration and networking among stakeholders in the social sector (including private-sector participants and donor agencies) to promote improved outcomes


Extent of agreement that participant’s organization can initiate and undertake political advocacy on critical issues that can ensure adequate resource mobilization (especially on how to optimize internal sources)


Extent of agreement that if the participant’s organization commissions research, provides incentives for research and research budgets, it will facilitate uptake of evidence resulting from the research for policy-making


Extent of agreement that the development of sustainable institutional/organizational capacity for the utilization of results in decision-making and policy implementation can improve outcomes


Extent of agreement that widespread dissemination of research results and feedback from policy-makers and the introduction of effective policy monitoring and evaluation mechanisms will enhance the evidence-to-policy process


Extent of agreement that the evidence-to-policy process can be enhanced if policy-makers regularly acquaint themselves with evidence produced by researchers and can also carry researchers along in the policy-making process


Extent of agreement that the joint committees and informal partnerships involving representatives of researchers, policy-makers, knowledge brokers and other stakeholders can enhance the evidence-to-policy process


Extent of agreement that mutual mistrust exists between researchers and policy-makers and that policy-makers may view research as costly, often time-consuming, and therefore a waste of resources


Extent of agreement that policy-relevant research is often not considered by researchers in their research works


Extent of agreement that there is poor communication of research findings to policy-makers


Extent of agreement that involving policy-makers in the planning and execution of research and involving researchers in the planning and execution of programmes can enhance the evidence-to-policy process


Extent of agreement that institutionalization of research grants and commissioning of research by MDAs and policy-making institutions can ensure that researchers are made to focus on the core needs of policy-makers


Extent of agreement that appointing people with proven research experience and skill to policy-making positions can enhance the evidence-to-policy process
